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Writer's pictureNick Godfrey

How to Prepare for an Interview

Hey, everyone! My name is Nick Godfrey, and I am a senior Marketing major with a minor in Management at Wilkes University. I have been a Marketing Scholar at the Allan P. Kirby Center since the summer of 2021 and I just recently finished my hockey career as a member of the Men’s Ice Hockey team on campus. I am also a Student Athletic Advisory Committee representative for the hockey team.

For people like myself that will be graduating in less than a couple of months, applying for jobs and steaming ahead towards being an adult is pretty nerve wracking. When it comes to applying for a full time job, I am sure we all just are trying to get any connection with recruiters that comes our way.

The biggest stress that I have experienced in my final semester has been preparing for interviews. Preparing for a job interview can be a daunting task, but it is crucial if you want to make a good impression and increase your chances of getting hired.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for your next job interview:

  1. Research the Company: Before your interview, take some time to research the company you are applying to. Look up their website, read about what they do, and find out what they stand for. Knowing about the company will not only show that you are interested, but it will also help you answer questions more confidently.

  2. Review the Job Description: Reviewing the job description is essential to understand the role you are applying for. Highlight the skills, experiences, and qualifications they are looking for and be sure to match them with your own.

  3. Prepare Answers to Common Questions: Many job interviews include common questions such as “Tell me about yourself” or “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” Prepare answers to these questions and practice saying them out loud. Doing so will help you feel more confident and ensure that you don't forget anything important during the interview. Even grab a friend to help you prepare for these types of questions.

  4. Dress Professionally: First impressions count, and dressing professionally can help you make a great one. Choose clothes that are appropriate for the job and make sure they are clean and ironed. Most of the interviews I have had have taken place over Zoom, so it is pretty vital to look as good as you can.

  5. Bring Extra Copies of Your Resume: My final piece of advice strictly relates to your interview being in person. That is to definitely make sure to bring a few extra copies of your resume to the interview. This is important just in case the interviewer needs one or if you are interviewing with multiple people.

In summary, preparing for a job interview involves research, practice, and organization. By following these tips, you will be better equipped to impress the interviewer and increase your chances of getting hired.

I hope this helped for whoever may need it, and best of luck in your interviews.

Thanks for reading!


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